Thursday, January 19, 2006

Andrew's Posts About Our Second Conversation

[19 Jan 2006|06:22pm]

WOW the dude sent the link to watch the play about me... its the most embarassing thing ever LOL here it is TH punk: no fuckign way...

Isnt it horrible? not in a bad way but i look bad lol but yeah im out peace. I still cant believe how bad those ppl made fun of me LOL oh well the guy said yall should comment on the blog so yeah well w/e Yall really should check out the thing

Our Second Conversation With Andrew

ONE30EiGHTH punk: hey
swissbrothel: how's it going andrew?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: good?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: brb
swissbrothel: okay
ONE30EiGHTH punk: back
ONE30EiGHTH punk: so it online?
swissbrothel: it is!
swissbrothel: here's the address
ONE30EiGHTH punk: no fuckign way...
swissbrothel: it has our names on it so you have to promise not to stalk/kill us
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol i wont
swissbrothel: great
ONE30EiGHTH punk: its taking for ever to come up...
swissbrothel: yeah it's a huge file
swissbrothel: it's a long play!
swissbrothel: what kind of connection do you have?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: road runner
swissbrothel: oh so it shouldn't be too long then
ONE30EiGHTH punk: so when am i gonna get my share of money LOL
swissbrothel: haha it was a free performance
swissbrothel: but otherwise you would be rich!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol well if yall ever get money i expect some HAHA
swissbrothel: keep checking the mail
ONE30EiGHTH punk: wow it is big 102 mega bites
swissbrothel: the "very low quality" version is only 38, i think
ONE30EiGHTH punk: oh well im like down loading the other one so oh well lol
swissbrothel: that's probably better, the other one is pretty hard to see
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i still think tis crazy u guys did this lol
swissbrothel: it's true
swissbrothel: we are relatively crazy
ONE30EiGHTH punk: was it for a class or something?
swissbrothel: no it was for fun
ONE30EiGHTH punk: haha
ONE30EiGHTH punk: thats kool
swissbrothel: yeah you can check out the blog it has info on our theatrical projects and what-have-you
ONE30EiGHTH punk: how long is the play?
swissbrothel: about 20 minutes
swissbrothel: unfortunately on the video you can't see your/my entrance
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol what do u do on the entrance?
swissbrothel: i'll tell you after you watch it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: do u have showings alot?
swissbrothel: showings?
swissbrothel: do you mean do we do plays a lot?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ya
ONE30EiGHTH punk: well of the play
swissbrothel: oh, we only performed this play once
swissbrothel: it was part of a 24 hour play festival
ONE30EiGHTH punk: oh ok lol
swissbrothel: hey are you really laughing out loud all these times or are you justing saying "lol"?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i just have a bad habbit of saying "lol"
swissbrothel: so you're not actually laughing "out loud"?
swissbrothel: i wouldn't say that's a bad habit
ONE30EiGHTH punk: this is pretty funny
ONE30EiGHTH punk: (the play)
swissbrothel: you're watching it now?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yeah
swissbrothel: okay i won't bother you
ONE30EiGHTH punk: u read out a whole lj entry...
ONE30EiGHTH punk: thats horribl
swissbrothel: haha sorry
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i actually remember that entry too
swissbrothel: excellent
ONE30EiGHTH punk: is the guy playing kwon muscular i cant tell?
swissbrothel: yeah he's really strong
swissbrothel: he was a gymnast
swissbrothel: (rings)
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol ok just wondering cause the real kwons fat
swissbrothel: haha fantastic!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yea lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: this is liek the most embarassing thing to watch
swissbrothel: really?
swissbrothel: why?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: cause its like... stuff from my live journal lol
swissbrothel: haha
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i dont think i can watch anymore lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: so how was your entrance?
swissbrothel: oh you have to finish watching!
swissbrothel: the end is the best part!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: im still watching lol
swissbrothel: i just came in through a curtain and suprised everyone is all
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol ok
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol it was good...
swissbrothel: thanks!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i thoguht this was some prank or w/e...
swissbrothel: no, it wasn't
swissbrothel: not at all
swissbrothel: you should show the video to mandy, kwon, and coutney and see what they think
ONE30EiGHTH punk: im going to lol
swissbrothel: great!
swissbrothel: you should post comments on our blog
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i dont talk to mandy anymore but ill show kwon and court
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright i will
swissbrothel: ah man, really?
swissbrothel: i like mandy
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yea i havent talked to her in liek 2 years
swissbrothel: wow
ONE30EiGHTH punk: actually like a yaer cause we went on a couple dates last year
ONE30EiGHTH punk: but that was like january
swissbrothel: that's too bad she can't see the video
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ill send it to her if she ever gets online
swissbrothel: okay good
swissbrothel: maybe you sending it to her will make you guys become friends again or something
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ya maybe? lol i donno were still friends just never talk
swissbrothel: oh okay i see
swissbrothel: there wasn't like a "falling out"
ONE30EiGHTH punk: nah just she never gets online and her brother moved out and like he was the only reason i went to her house
swissbrothel: oh okay
swissbrothel: well maybe the four of you can have a video watching party
ONE30EiGHTH punk: kwon will prolly come over tonight so ill show it to him then then show it to court tomorrow
swissbrothel: sweet
swissbrothel: you know what you should do: you should take the script of the play and do your own production, then videotape it and send it to us
swissbrothel: you could all play yourselves
ONE30EiGHTH punk: nah id cast better lookign ppl
swissbrothel: haha w/e
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i wish i could of see that play in person i would of been laughing the whole time
swissbrothel: i wish you could've too
swissbrothel: but we only knew we were doing it 24 hours before it happened
ONE30EiGHTH punk: then u could of met the insperation lol
swissbrothel: exactly
swissbrothel: and you could've visited california
swissbrothel: hey i'm making a blog right now about your live journal
ONE30EiGHTH punk: LOL ok
swissbrothel: i don't really know what to put on it yet
swissbrothel: but you should post to it once i'm finished making it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright
swissbrothel: i'll put a link of the "for death rides quickly" blog
ONE30EiGHTH punk: damn i have to be a member to comment
swissbrothel: just become a member
swissbrothel: it takes like two seconds
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol ok i am
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i commented
swissbrothel: excellent
swissbrothel: i'm working on your live journal blog right now
swissbrothel: so far, there's not much on it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i put a link to your blog in my live journal
swissbrothel: thanks!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: cause all my friends wanted to read the script this way they can watch it in stead
swissbrothel: that's wonderful
swissbrothel: tell them to post their comments
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright lol
swissbrothel: okay i have to go work now
swissbrothel: i'm glad you got to see the movie
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright lol yea me too
ONE30EiGHTH punk: thanks for being me HAHA
swissbrothel: hey anytime
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i hope yall make a sequil LOL peace man
swissbrothel: perhaps we will, perhaps we will...

Andrew's Posts About Our First Conversation

[17 Jan 2006|08:03am]
[music|Eternal Rest(live)- Avenged Sevenfold]

HAHA i just remembered that play thing LOL i cant believe i forgot I wonder who it is cause im pretty sure the person cant be serious... the name says Daniel Jackson as author but i dont know a Daniel Jackson so its prolly a fake name lol i donno but yeah im bored... DAMN i just remembered I have to hold on to my money Cause me and Courtney are supost to go play mini gold with darrell and Kelly then like were supost to go see the Bodys thing at mosi... I wanted to go buy the Roseanne season 1 hmm oh well w/e Uh i just remembered cause i bought luch for me and courtney yesterday i only have like 16 bucks anyways... I feel so bad cause like courtney pays for everythign I need to get a job alread i need to stop being a bitch take that nursing test then get a job... If i dont pass ill prolly start going job hunting like at Walgreens, Kash N Karry, Target, Sound Exchange places close by... Cause its kinda ridiculous. Im not even sure if im gonna be able to drve anytime soon like yesterday was the longest ive ever driven on the road and like i was so nervous going like 40-50 miles an hour i felt like i was getting kinda dizy. But yeah... I donno

I had some weird dreams last night but i cant really remember them. I wish i wasnt awake so early Id text Courtney but i dont wanan bother her in class. Keith is supost to come over today but prolly not until sometime this afternoon. Courtney has off but shes gonna clean her room and shit. I bet she wont cause she always like forgets to or gets side tracked lol. Hmm... I donno Im bored watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space. I havent seen it in a while... Its almost over I donno what im gonna watch when its over cause i know nothing goods on Tv. well i guess im out peace

[17 Jan 2006|12:06am]
Damn I cant post the Play here but i will email it to who ever wants it just like email leave a comment with your eamil for me to email u the script lol... its kinda funny... well to me it is lol

[16 Jan 2006|11:56pm]

WoW I just read the most Ridiculously funny thign ever lol some guy and his friends made a play based on my live journal... I dont knwo if they are really serious but like if they are thats hillarious I laughed so hard when i read it... heres the conversation i had when i was talkign to the dude

( Conversation with the dude.... )

Our First (Successful) Conversation With Andrew

swissbrothel: andrew hey. it's "thedeadridequick" again. sorry i must've freaked you out. so this is what we're going to do. we're going to put the video of the play on the internet and then we'll send you a link. we don't want your home address or anything so don't worry. sorry i won't give you my name but i'm scared of the internet.
ONE30EiGHTH punk: u didnt freak me out i jus tdon tlike ppl iming me and me not knowing who they are
swissbrothel: well i'm just a guy who goes to school in california
ONE30EiGHTH punk: so how did u find my lj?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: and whats your play about?
swissbrothel: it's about you
swissbrothel: or it's about your live journal
swissbrothel: we just picked one at random
swissbrothel: and then did a play about it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ok lol
swissbrothel: i could send you the script right now if you want
ONE30EiGHTH punk: sure
swissbrothel: but it might be more fun to wait until the video is ready
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ok i guess i could do that
ONE30EiGHTH punk: how long will that take?
swissbrothel: i'll ask the writer when he gets back online
swissbrothel: hmm... a week or so?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: where did u get the name from? thedeadridequick
ONE30EiGHTH punk: dracula?
swissbrothel: oh that's the title of your page
swissbrothel: translated from the german
swissbrothel: "for the dead ride quickly"
ONE30EiGHTH punk: oh lol so u made that your sn..
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yea i know what it means lol
swissbrothel: exactly
swissbrothel: do you speak german?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: no
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i got it from a movie
swissbrothel: oh that's too bad
swissbrothel: yeah we know
swissbrothel: we really liked your journal
ONE30EiGHTH punk: y? lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: cause i talk about the most pointless shit?
swissbrothel: haha
swissbrothel: no
swissbrothel: because you talk about everything on it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol
swissbrothel: what do you think about a bunch of college students doing a play about you and your friends?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: its kool i guess lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: itll be funny to see how yall act
swissbrothel: haha it will
swissbrothel: hey i just talked to the writer and he wants me to send you the script right now
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ok lol
swissbrothel: because he doesn't want to wait until the video is ready
swissbrothel: hold on just a second
swissbrothel wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\download\one30eighthpunk\fordeathridesquickly (edited).doc.
ONE30EiGHTH punk received C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\download\one30eighthpunk\fordeathridesquickly (edited).doc.
swissbrothel: it's not very long
swissbrothel: 20 minutes or so
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol ok
swissbrothel: do you have time to read it right now?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yea
swissbrothel: cool
swissbrothel: let me know what you think when you're done
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: During this monologue Kwon and Mandy start to fall asleep. By the end of it they're completely out. Andrew stands up. HAHA
ONE30EiGHTH punk: haha this is awesome so far
swissbrothel: i'm glad you like it!
ONE30EiGHTH punk: is this based off older entries?
swissbrothel: maybe?
swissbrothel: i wasn't the writer i just acted in it actually
swissbrothel: i played you
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol ok
ONE30EiGHTH punk: this is pretty hillarious
swissbrothel: it was very well received
swissbrothel: we performed it on saturday night
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol are u serious?
swissbrothel: yeah
swissbrothel: the tape is of the perfomance so you'll get to hear when people laughed and everything
ONE30EiGHTH punk: this is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read lol
ONE30EiGHTH punk: its like alot from surveys
swissbrothel: it's true
ONE30EiGHTH punk: your not serious are u? this is like a joke
swissbrothel: what do you mean?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: is this a joke?
swissbrothel: the play?
swissbrothel: i'm confused
swissbrothel: is what a joke?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: the play
swissbrothel: we performed this play two nights ago
swissbrothel: and we're going to put the video of it on the internet
swissbrothel: so that you can see it
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ok lol
swissbrothel: have you finished reading it?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ya i finished a while ago
swissbrothel: so on the whole what do you think?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: its funny
ONE30EiGHTH punk: just cause the characters are like me and my friends
swissbrothel: haha fantastic
swissbrothel: would you change anything about the play?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i donno lol
swissbrothel: what was your favorite part?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: prolly the part where me well u is talking about hanging out with ppl then kwon and mandy fell asleep
swissbrothel: ok cool
swissbrothel: what do you imagine it would be like on stage?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i dont know lol
swissbrothel: is there anything from your live journal you wish we would've put in there?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: nah
ONE30EiGHTH punk: nothing bothers me about it lol
swissbrothel: that's good
swissbrothel: so what's it feel like to think that hundreds of people that you don't know just watched a play about you and your friends?
ONE30EiGHTH punk: well its not really about me so it doesnt bother me much lol
swissbrothel: that's true i guess
ONE30EiGHTH punk: thatsd great yall thought i was german
swissbrothel: haha i think that that was a joke mostly because of the title of your page
ONE30EiGHTH punk: yealol
swissbrothel: also, are you really interested in hitler? that sort of freaked us out.
ONE30EiGHTH punk: no i used to just think he was really interesting and ppl just used to say i looked like hitler
swissbrothel: that's not very nice of them
swissbrothel: i don't think you look anything like hitler
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol its just somethign my friends used to say for some reason most ppl say its just in my eyes
swissbrothel: that's crazy yo
ONE30EiGHTH punk: i guess lol
swissbrothel: well i should probably get back to my work
ONE30EiGHTH punk: alright
swissbrothel: i'll send you the link to the video once it's up
ONE30EiGHTH punk: ok lol
swissbrothel: it was nice talking with you, sir
ONE30EiGHTH punk: lol you too
ONE30EiGHTH punk: bye

Step Right Up!

The blog is dedicated to the study of Andrew Butler's live journal. Please feel free to peruse the journal at your leisure:

Andrew Butler's Live Journal